Shaping Our Future
Inclusive Excellence
Creating Our Future
Excellence is Inclusive
Creating Our Future
Inclusive Excellence
Shaping Our Future
Excellence is Inclusive
Creating Our Future
Inclusive Excellence
shaker heights schools
welcome to the
International Baccalaureate
As an International Baccalaureate district, our curriculum is designed to nurture, educate and graduate civic-minded students who are creative thinkers and skillful problem solvers and who are actively engaged in our global and multicultural society.
Educational Equity
Our District works to understand and dismantle long-standing systemic barriers that have resulted in persistent racial disparities in academic achievement. These same barriers also prevent all members of our District from feeling a true sense of belonging.
Master Facilities Plan
Our vision is for all Shaker Heights children to attend school in buildings that are modern, safe and inclusive; support academic excellence; are diverse, integrated and welcoming; promote community, and; allow the District to remain fiscally responsible.
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go beyond academic success
attributes that
Shaker Heights Schools not only offers a rigorous academic curriculum but also a holistic approach to help students embody the traits of the International Baccalaureate Programme's Learner Profile.
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Shaker Schools Foundation
The Shaker Schools foundation is deeply committed to ensuring that every child in the Shaker Heights Schools has the opportunity to thrive through enriching extracurricular activities.
Strategic Plan
The District's 2020-2025 Strategic Plan was built on the foundation of two bedrock principles: Educational equity and the International Baccalaurate Programme.
Our Graduates
Shaker Heights Schools graduates leave high school with an impressive resume, and pursue success in a variety of pathways including college, career and military endeavors.
Our curriculum is designed to nurture, educate and graduate civic-minded students who are creative thinkers and skillful problem solvers and who are actively engaged in our global and multicultural society.
Global education has long been part of The Shaker Experience with opportunities for both domestic and international adventures through language, arts, service programs and more.
Social-Emotional Wellness
As part of the District's commitment to the whole child, dedicated supports help ensure that all students have access to a variety of resources to support their social-emotional development.