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The District’s acceleration policy includes whole-grade acceleration, individual subject acceleration, early admission to kindergarten and early high school graduation.

Board of education policy ikeb

Read the POlicy

Individual Subject Acceleration

Students at Shaker Heights Schools may be assigned to a subject/course in a higher grade level for the purpose of providing accelerated learning opportunities.

The path to individual subject acceleration is a multi-step process that includes input from parents/guardians and educators. To view the acceleration process flowchart, click here.

Referrals for students to be evaluated for acceleration should be made directly to the building principal. Parental permission for additional assessment will be obtained by building principal or designee. Our team will begin reaching out to families who are interested in or have questions about acceleration opportunities in Shaker Heights Schools beginning in mid-August.

Whole-Grade Acceleration

Students at Shaker Heights Schools may be assigned to a higher grade level for the purpose of providing accelerated learning opportunities.

The path to acceleration is a multi-step process that includes input from parents/guardians and educators. To view the acceleration process flowchart, click here.

Parents/guardian who wish to pursue this option may contact Beth Wilson-Fish at or 216-295-7242. Following the completion of the referral form, the appropriate building principal will contact you to discuss your referral and how the school can meet the needs of your child. 

Should you wish to continue with the process, the principal will assemble an acceleration team, which includes the parent/guardian, the principal and educators. Before a decision is made about whole-grade acceleration, the child will be assessed using the Iowa Acceleration Scale. The team also will review the student’s MAP results, report cards, work (including tests), social-emotional development and skills. Then, the team will reach a decision about whole-grade acceleration. 

If whole-grade acceleration is approved, the team will develop a Written Acceleration Plan (WAP).

If whole-grade acceleration is not approved, parents/Guardians have an opportunity to appeal the decision. Appeals must be made in writing to the building principal within 30 days of notification of the decision.

Early High School Graduation

High School students have the opportunity to complete high school in fewer than four years.

The path to early graduation is a multi-step process that includes input from parents/guardians and educators.

Parents/guardian who wish to pursue this option must first complete an Acceleration Referral Form. Following the completion of the referral form, the High School principal or designee will contact you to discuss your referral and how the High School can meet the needs of your student. 

Students planning to graduate after six semesters of high school must:

  • Have a plan confirmed two semesters prior to the completion date.
  • Schedule a conference with both their parent/guardian and school counselor.
  • Have written parent approval submitted to the school counselor.

Students planning to graduate after seven semesters of high school must:

  • Have written parent approval by the spring of the 11th grade.

  • Have a plan started and tentatively approved by the second Monday in May of the 11th grade year.