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Gifted Services

Shaker Heights Schools is committed to challenging and supporting all students so that they may reach their full potential. This includes providing opportunities for educational enrichment and acceleration to match learning opportunities with students’ abilities.

Shaker Schools Offers:

International BAccalaureate

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Early Entrance to Kindergarten

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opportunities for Acceleration

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Shaker Heights Schools offers formal gifted services to students identified as gifted in the areas of superior cognition, creative thinking, reading/writing and mathematics in Grades 2-10.  

Students receive services in an inclusive cluster grouping model. A cluster group is a group of identified gifted students who are purposefully clustered together in the classroom of a teacher who has licensure or endorsement or specialized training in gifted education. The other students in that class are of mixed ability. Teachers also receive support from the Gifted Coordinator and Gifted Intervention Specialists through periodic co-teaching, co-planning and consultation. Students receiving gifted services receive a Written Education Plan (WEP) outlining the description of the services to be provided. 

Gifted FAQs