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An Important Message about Saturday's Violence in Buffalo, NY
Like Americans everywhere, we are horrified by the mass shootings taking place in our country, including the tragedy that occurred Saturday afternoon in Buffalo. Unfortunately, this is yet another example of white supremacy culture targeting Black and other marginalized communities. Racially motivated violence like this further underscores our need for an anti-racist curriculum in our schools and responsible gun laws throughout our nation. 
High-profile acts such as this can confuse and frighten children. They will look to adults for information and guidance on how to react. Families and school personnel can help students feel safe by establishing a sense of normalcy and security and by discussing their fears and concerns. 
The classroom should be a place where students learn to exchange ideas, listen respectfully, try out ideas and positions, and give and receive constructive feedback without fear or intimidation. Through engaging in difficult conversations, students gain critical thinking skills, empathy and tolerance, and a sense of civic responsibility.
The National Association of School Psychologists provides tips for talking to your child about violence. Our website includes an extensive list of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion resources for teachers, families and students. Finally, a variety of organizations, including The Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, promote effective, common sense laws and strategies to help curb gun deaths. 
Dr. David Glasner
Superintendent, Shaker Heights Schools