Here are some helpful tips to decide if you should send your child to school:
Ask yourself: "Is my child well enough to learn in school today?”
Contagious illness: Please do not send your child to school if you suspect or know that your child has any contagious illness. Some of the most common contagious diseases include: Covid-19, strep throat, chicken pox, head lice, ringworm, and pink eye (conjunctivitis). Please remember to report your student’s contagious illnesses to the Health Office or the school secretary.
Students should stay home from school if they have an emerging illness or a fever of 100 degrees fahrenheit or higher. DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD WITH A FEVER TO SCHOOL ON FEVER-REDUCING MEDICATION (like Tylenol or Motrin/Advil). These medications do not prevent the spread of any illness.
In addition to the illnesses listed above, please keep your student home from school if he/she has any of the following symptoms:
- Fever of 100 F or higher (child should be fever free for 24 hours without medication before returning to school)
- Vomiting and/or diarrhea (should not return to school until 24 hours after symptoms stop)
- Frequent, severe cough
- Fresh cold with a constantly runny nose
- Rash that has not been diagnosed and/or treated
- Difficult or rapid breathing
- Yellowish skin or eyes
- Unusually dark urine and/or grey or white stool
- Suspected strep throat; Keep child home until after throat culture results are known and 24 hours after medication is started to treat the infection
- Itchy red eye or eye with sticky drainage
- Other symptoms that suggest the child is ill and/or should not be at school
* If any restriction of activity is necessary upon returning to school after an illness or injury, please contact the school nurse with the specific details.