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Shaker Heights School Retiree Association

Retirees association members pose for a group photo at a luncheon event

Dear Retirees,


Welcome to the webpage devoted to the retired employees of the Shaker Heights City School District. It is an ongoing pleasure to serve you and continue communications beyond our time of employment with the schools. Check out the variety of information posted here including luncheon activities, our photo gallery, STRS and SERS information and forms, as well as our archive of recent documents.

All retirees have access to information concerning our group’s activities through our newsletter “Senior Shakerites” which is published and distributed via email in April and September of each year. If you are NOT on our mailing list, please contact me via email. Thank you so much for your support of our efforts to maintain links to each other and the District.

I hope you will make an effort to attend our bi-annual luncheon gatherings – opportunities to bring former colleagues together for social experiences; often informative, but sometimes just for fun! Our meetings are usually the first Wednesday in May and the first Wednesday in October. Of course, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, these activities have been suspended.

Several of our retired colleagues are members of the Educator Emeritus program. I encourage you to explore the criteria for achieving this recognition and join our team.

We welcome your donations to the Shaker Schools Foundation. Please consider helping the children in Shaker with a check of any amount mailed to our treasurer, Jerry Graham (12154 Waywood Drive, Twinsburg, 44087). 

Thanks again for your years of service to the students of the Shaker Heights City School District.


Donna Brittain, Editor
“Senior Shakerites”

Charles Candel, President 

About the Association

Membership in the association is open to all retired Shaker employees, including teachers, administrators, clerical and support staff. The group meets twice during the year – the first Wednesday in May and October. Typically, the meeting begins at 11 a.m. with a time for socializing followed by lunch and a program. We select different locations for each meeting.

The activities of the Shaker Retired group include:

  1. Maintaining communication for social and professional contacts
  2. Providing information about legislative actions relevant to members' health and welfare issues
  3. Providing opportunities to volunteer in School programs
  4. Raising funds to support the Shaker Schools Foundation
  5. Promoting and supporting the Shaker Emeritus Program
  6. Organizing and sponsoring  travel opportunities
  7. Publishing a Newsletter with members’ activities and news

Current Officers:
President, Charles Candel
Treasurer, Jerry Graham
Newsletter Editor, Donna Brittain
Reservations, Vicki Griminger 

Past Officers:
President: Richard Peterjohn, Al Zimmerman, Jean Sylak, Don Coffee, Donna Brittain
Secretary: Ken Looney, Dottie Bruggeman
Treasurer: Hugh Bailey
Newsletter: Mary Underwood, Barbara Fox, Vickie Griminger, Adrianne Geszler 
Program: Karen and Bill Thailing, Ellen Stepanian

Extra Support:
Calligraphy on nametags has been done by Sonia Golden
Photos have been submitted by Xiao Ying, our volunteer photographer

Elections are held as needed when vacancies occur.
We are always open to volunteering for office holders and we welcome all suggestions for locations and programs for future meetings.

Volunteer With Us

We are always welcome additional volunteers as office holders. We also welcome all suggestions for locations and programs for future meetings.


Donations are always welcome to the Shaker Schools Foundation. Please consider helping the children in Shaker Heights Schools with a check of any amount mailed to our treasurer, Jerry Graham, 12154 Waywood Drive, Twinsburg, 44087. 

Our Newsletter

Helpful Website Links



Forms and Lists

News Form for Senior Shakerite

More Spring 2013 Photos

Current Association Officers

Charles Candel

Jerry Graham

Newsletter Editor
Donna Brittain

Vicki Griminger 

Elections are held as needed when vacancies occur.

Past Officers:

President: Richard Peterjohn, Al Zimmerman, Jean Sylak, Don Coffee, Donna Brittain

Secretary: Ken Looney, Dottie Bruggeman

Treasurer: Hugh Bailey

Newsletter: Mary Underwood, Barbara Fox, Vickie Griminger, Adrianne Geszler 

Program: Karen and Bill Thailing, Ellen Stepanian

Extra Support:

Nametag Calligraphy: Sonia Golden

Photography: Xiao Ying