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Flyer Distribution in Schools

The Shaker Heights City School District has established a flyer distribution practice to guide the dissemination of information to our students and families.

Flyer Distribution Details

Submit a flyer for approval

Flyers must be submitted in a digital PDF format. No scanned documents, and no other format will be accepted. Flyers must be neat, complete and readable.

The flyer must include the following statement: 

Unless explicitly stated, the activities/organization promoted are not affiliated with, endorsed by nor sponsored by the Shaker Heights City School District.  

submit a flyer for approval


Distribution of promotional flyers in the Shaker Heights City School District is at the sole discretion of the District. For questions or more information, please contact the Department of Communications at 216-295-1400 or

Distribution instructions for organizations

  • Submit the flyer for approval. The flyer distributed must be approved and stamped by the Department of Communications. The PDF flyer MUST be submitted through the Google Form via the link on this page. Do not send hard copies.
  • Print the flyer. If approved, the flyer will be stamped and returned to the organization. It is then the responsibility of the organization requesting distribution of the flyer to make printed copies of the final stamped version using the organization’s own resources. The organization should prepare flyers in bundles of 25 for elementary schools and bundles of 30 for the Middle School. The organization should deliver the following number of bundles to the buildings for K-8 (and PreK) distribution. High School distribution is not available.
    • Boulevard (Grades K-5) - 18
    • Fernway (Grades K-5) - 17
    • Lomond (Grades K-5) - 24
    • Mercer (Grades K-5) - 22
    • Onaway (Grades K-5) - 18 (PreK distribution is an additional 6 bundles)
    • Middle School (Grades 6-8) - 36 (12 bundles per grade with 30 flyers in each bundle)
  • Drop off the flyers. Organizations should drop off the flyers for distribution at the appropriate buildings. Building offices will be notified to expect the flyers once your submission is approved.

Other Distribution Methods