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Collective Bargaining Agreements

Shaker Heights Teachers' Association

Note: SHTA-ST merged with SHTA effective 01/01/22
President – John Morris
Vice President – Darlene Garrison
Secretary – Lisa Hardiman
Treasurer – Bill Scanlon

OAPSE #149 Administrative Assistants, Technicians, and Accounting Specialists

President - Julie Vargo
Vice President - Betsy Murray
Secretary- Mae Morrical
Treasurer - Nancy Jackson 

OAPSE #152 Security

President - Dwayne Jackson
Vice President - Nikkiya Lee
Secretary - James Ledyard 
Treasurer - Kimberly Robinson

OAPSE #153 Paraprofessionals

President - Kathleen D. Pierce
Vice President - Stephen Shinn
Secretary - Gayle Washington
Treasurer - Andrea Anderson

Local #200 Custodians, Grounds, and Bus Drivers

President - James Dean 
Vice President - Kevin Ivey
Treasurer - Debora Gainey
Steward - Athea McDowell
Steward - Lawrence Wervey 

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