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Substitute Opportunities

Day-to-Day Substitute Teachers

The Shaker Heights City School District utilizes Ohio Substitute Teacher Services (OSTS) for our day-to-day substitute teachers. As a substitute teacher through OSTS, you can build your own schedule and choose the assignments that best fit with your interests. 

Day-to-Day Substitute Teacher
$140 per day

Apply to be a day-to-day substitute teacher here through OSTS.

Long-Term & One-Year Substitute Teachers

The Shaker Heights City School District employs our own Long-Term Substitute Teachers and One-Year District Substitute Teachers. Eligible candidates should have current substitute or teaching licensure through the Ohio Department of Education. 

Long-Term Substitute Teachers have assignments that are 16 consecutive days or longer within the same classroom. These positions become eligible for benefits through the District after a waiting period of 60-working days. 

Long-Term Substitute Teachers
$281 - $300 per day (after 16+ days)
One-Year District Substitute Teachers are hired for the full school year, five days a week. They support the District by covering absences and vacancies within their home building. 

One-Year District Substitute Teacher
$175 per day

Long-Term or District Substitute Teacher application.

Paraprofessional Substitutes

The Shaker Heights City School District is looking for reliable and dedicated paraprofessional substitutes to support our classrooms. Shaker Schools partners with Dedicated Staffing Services for our short- and long-term substitute paraprofessional positions. 

Substitute Paraprofessional
$128.88 per day

Substitute Paraprofessional position application here.

Additional Substitutes

The Shaker Heights City School District employs our own substitute employees for the positions listed below. *If applicable candidates should have current licensure through the Ohio Department of Education.

Role pay rate
Substitute Administrative Assistant $15.98 per hour
Substitute Bus Driver $21.47 per hour
Substitute Bus Monitor $16.47 per hour
Substitute Certified Administrator $225 per day
Substitute Custodian $18.46 per hour
Substitute Nurse $140 per day
Substitute Security Monitor $19.30 per hour
Substitute Lunch Aide/Recess Monitor $14.00 per hour

Apply for any of the above substitute positions here.