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District Again Exceeds State Standards of State Report Card

  • District News
District Again Exceeds State Standards of State Report Card

For the second consecutive year, the District earned an overall rating of four stars on the annual State Report Card, which was released Friday, September 13, by Ohio Department of Education and Workforce. A four-star rating means the District exceeded state standards.

This is the second year districts and schools received overall ratings, which are comprised of five rated components: Achievement, Progress, Gap Closing, Early Literacy and Graduation. Star ratings are assigned to each of the five components. A sixth component, College, Career, Workforce and Military Readiness, will be rated beginning in 2025. 

The District met or exceeded state standards in all five rated components. Highlights included: 

  • The District exceeded state standards earning five stars in Gap Closing, meaning it continues to reduce learning gaps between and among subgroups of students. Student subgroups are identified by race, ethnic origin, English language learners, economically disadvantaged and students with disabilities. 

  • The District exceeded state standards earning five stars for the academic growth of Gifted students. The measurement, called “value-added,” compares current achievement to prior achievement.

  • The District exceeded state standards earning four stars for its Graduation Rate. This metric combines four-year and five-year graduation rates. 

  • In the area of Early Literacy, the percentage of third-graders demonstrating reading proficiency continued to rise. The District met state standards earning three stars in this category.

While the report card is only one measure of academic performance, data from the state show that Shaker Heights Schools students continue a steady rebound from dips experienced nationwide immediately after the pandemic and subsequent student learning losses. 

The District will explore this year’s State Report Card data in depth during a September 24 Board of Education Work Session. Additional information about the District will also be shared in Measuring What Matters, our annual report to the community, in October.