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Strategic Plan 2014-2019

In July 2014, the Board of Education adopted the 2014-19 Strategic Plan. The plan was developed by a broadly representative 44-member team. It establishes priorities in academics and student experience, continuous improvement, policy, human resources and facilities, communications, and finance. The full plan may be viewed as a flipbook below or downloaded by clicking the link in the top left corner of the flipbook window.


Our Aspirations:
Excellence • Equity • Exploration

Our Mission:
The District will nurture, educate, and graduate students who are civic-minded and prepared to make ethical decisions; who are confident, competent communicators, skillful in problem solving, capable of creative thinking; who have a career motivation and a knowledge of our global and multicultural society.
Our Vision:
Shaker is the first-choice school district for all students.
Our Core Values:
We believe:
Each student is valued.
Every student must succeed.
Diversity makes us stronger.
Breadth of experience is vital.
Fiscal responsibility is essential.
We are all accountable.