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Shaker Heights High School Athletic Code

The Shaker Heights City Schools believe that interscholastic athletics are a significant part of the educational process. The combination of academics and athletics enhances the quality of students’ lives and expands their options for learning and personal growth. Athletics provide an educational opportunity in which students can learn essential life lessons beyond those that can be learned in an academic classroom. Participation in interscholastic athletics reflects our beliefs that the essential requirement for teamwork, the mental and physical challenges of training and competition, and the experience of winning and losing graciously and respectfully are important life lessons in every student’s developmental experience. These lessons will serve students well in their future endeavors.

Following are the positive expectations we hold for coaches, parents and athletes.

Coach's Code
We understand that the athletic director and coaches are leaders and are dedicated to more than the X’s and O’s of competition. As professionals, leaders and role models for students, the athletic director and each coach will:
  • Exemplify the highest moral character as a role model for young people.
  • Recognize the individual worth and reinforce the self-image of each team member.
  • Establish a realistic team goal or vision for each season and communicate that to athletes and parents.
  • Create training rules for athletes that reflect the positive values of abstaining from the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
  • Strive to develop the qualities of competence, character, civility and citizenship in each team member.
  • Provide a safe, challenging and encouraging environment for practice and competition.
  • Gain an awareness of the prevention, care and treatment of athletic injuries.
  • Respect the integrity and judgment of the game official.
  • Teach and abide by the rules of the game in letter and in spirit.
  • Strive for excellence in coaching skills and techniques through professional improvement.
  • Build and maintain ethical and professional relationships with students, parents, coaches, teachers and administrators.
  • Promote personal fitness and nutrition.
  • Be modest in victory and gracious in defeat.
Parent's Code
We understand that parents play a vital role in the development of student athletes and the success of our athletic program.  Therefore we encourage parents to:
  • Be a positive role model through your actions to make sure your child has the best athletic experience.
  • Be a “team” fan, not a “my kid” fan.
  • Show respect for opposing players, coaches, spectators and support groups.
  • Be respectful of all officials’ decisions.
  • Refrain from instructing your children before, during or after the game as it may conflict with the coach’s plans and strategies.
  • Support and praise student-athletes’ efforts to improve themselves as students, as athletes and as people.
  • Gain an understanding of and appreciation for the rules of the contest.
  • Recognize and show appreciation for an outstanding play by either team.
  • Help your child learn that success is experienced in the development of their skills and they can feel good about themselves win or lose.
  • Take time to talk to coaches in an appropriate manner, in the proper time and place, if you have a concern.  Be sure to follow the designated chain of command.
  • Remember that a ticket to a school athletic event is a privilege.
Athlete's Code
High school athletics provide a unique opportunity for the development of not only physical conditioning and skill but also character traits essential for success in life. We challenge every athlete to strive for the following:
Competence – the necessary level of knowledge and skill to sufficiently train and compete
  • Develop the skills necessary to participate competently in the game.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the rules and conventions of the game.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the strategies of the game.
  • Demonstrate a level of physical conditioning and fitness sufficient to participate competently in the game.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of healthy behaviors, including nutrition.
  • Understand the necessity of abstaining from the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs in order to benefit from participation in interscholastic athletics.
Character – the pattern of beliefs, attitudes and therefore behavior that relates to moral strength, constitution and essential qualities that characterize the Shaker Heights City Schools community
  • Be dependable in fulfilling obligations and commitments.
  • Accept responsibility for consequences of actions; don’t make excuses or blame others.
  • Strive to excel.
  • Be committed.
  • Persevere (give 100% effort; don’t give up when faced with setbacks).
  • Demonstrate truthfulness.
  • Play by the rules of the game.
  • Control anger and frustration; refrain from displays of temper and bad language.
  • Accept winning/losing gracefully, congratulate opponents, don’t sulk or display other negative behaviors.
Civility – to demonstrate behavior that exemplifies appropriate respect and concern for others
  • Practice good manners on and off the field
  • Refrain from trash talk and other put-downs of opponents or teammates.
  • Treat all persons respectfully, regardless of individual differences.
  • Show respect for legitimate authority (e.g., officials, coaches, captains).
  • Be fair and treat others as you wish to be treated.
  • Listen to and try to understand others.
  • Be sensitive and compassionate to others.
  • Actively support teammates and others.
Citizenship – social responsibility as part of a “community”
  • Be faithful to the ideals of the game, including sportsmanship.
  • Keep your commitments to team (e.g., be diligent about practice and following training rules).
  • Show team spirit, encourages others and contributes to good morale.
  • Accept responsibility to set a good example for teammates, younger players, fans and school community.
Personal Conduct
Participation on an athletic team in the Shaker Heights City Schools is a privilege. Athletes are expected to represent Shaker Heights City Schools by conducting themselves with dignity, respect and sportsmanship.
An Athlete:
  • Must be scholastically eligible. A student must pass at least 2.5 credits of academic classes each quarter to be considered for eligibility.  Beyond this minimum, a student may obtain or maintain eligibility by: 
Earning a 2.0 grade point average or higher each quarter.
Receiving approval from the principal or his/her designee.  
Students seeking such permission must develop a personal academic improvement plan that may include, but is not limited to, tutoring, teacher conferences, study groups, counseling sessions, and any other available resources within the school.
***Credits cannot be made up in summer school to overcome deficiencies at the end of the last nine-week grading period.
  • Must not accumulate excessive unexcused absences in a subject. To do so may result in the athlete being declared ineligible to participate in athletics for a portion of or the entire remainder of the season.
  • Must, at all times, exhibit the highest standards of personal behavior while in or outside of school.
  • Must not possess or use alcoholic beverages, smoking materials or illegal drugs.
  • Must not be found guilty of violating city, state and federal codes/laws.
  • Must be in attendance and on time for all practices and contests unless there is a valid reason and excuse.
  • Is responsible for all equipment/uniforms issued to him/her. Equipment or uniforms are not to be worn at any social event, for general school use or throughout the community other than athletic events. Any equipment not returned must be paid for by the athlete.
  • Must travel to and from all contests by means of designated school transportation, unless otherwise authorized by the coach and/or athletic director.
  • May not drop a sport of a particular season and try out for an overlapping sport of the next season without the mutual consent of the coaches involved.
  • Must dress and participate in their regularly scheduled physical education classes. Failure to dress and/or participate will result in the athlete being denied participation in practice on that day. Repeated failure to dress or participate in P.E. may result in game suspensions.

Violations and Penalties
A violation of any part of the Athletic Code may result in denying a student the right to participate for part or all of the sport season.

Each coach is responsible for administration of this code for his/her sport. Additional rules may be established for each sport. Any participant whose conduct is judged to discredit himself/herself, the team, or the Shaker Heights City Schools, whether or not such activity takes place during or outside school hours and sessions of the sport season, will be subject to disciplinary action as determined by the coach, athletic director, and/or principal.

Alcohol, Tobacco and Drug Abuse Penalties

  • First Offense: The athlete will be suspended from 50% of regularly scheduled contests for that season. **Penalty will be reduced to 20% of regularly scheduled contests subsequent to the completion of a drug and alcohol assessment approved by the school’s administration.
  • The parent/guardian must confer with the principal and certify that his or her son/daughter is receiving professional counseling before an athlete may be reinstated.
  • Second Offense: The athlete will be denied the right to participate in all sports for the remainder of the school year.

Hazing Policy
No member of the school community may participate or be involved in hazing activities.  Violation of the hazing policy is a serious offense. Any student who participates in hazing (whether voluntarily or involuntarily) will be subject to disciplinary action including any of the following consequences:

  • Suspension or removal from athletic participation
  • Suspension and/or expulsion from school
  • Contact with the Shaker Heights Police Department

Detention/Extended Study Detention
Any athlete who receives a teacher detention or extended study detention (ESD) may be subject to an athletic consequence as determined by the coach, athletic director and principal. Possible consequences may include but are not limited to:

  • Warning/parent notification
  • Denial of participation in practice
  • Game suspension

In-School Support
Any athlete who is issued an In-School Support (ISS) by the school administration may be subject to the following range of athletic-related penalties:

  • Warning/parent notification
  • Denial of participation in practice
  • Single game suspension
  • Multiple game suspension

Suspension/Emergency Removal
Any athlete who is issued a suspension or an emergency removal by the school administration may be subject to the following range of athletic-related penalties:

  • Denial of participation in practice
  • Single game suspension
  • Multiple game suspension
  • Removal from team

Rules and Regulations of the Ohio High School Athletic Association

Constitution and Rules: An athlete must abide by all of the rules and regulations of the OHSAA.  Copies of the OHSAA brochure are available in the athletic office. Each athlete and parent is advised to familiarize myself/herself with these rules and regulations.

Semesters of Eligibility: When a student first enrolls in the ninth grade, the student will have eight (8) semesters of athletic eligibility taken in order of attendance whether the student participates or not.

Non-Interscholastic Competition: A student’s interscholastic athletic eligibility may be affected by his/her participation in AAU, Sunday school, church, intramurals, YMCA, YWCA, recreation teams, all-star games, etc. A student is advised to consult with the athletic director.

Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation: Before a student may participate in any interscholastic practice or contest, the following documents MUST be on file in the athletic office:

  • OHSAA Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation Form
  • OHSAA Parent Authorization Form
  • Shaker Heights High School Insurance Waiver/Emergency Contact Form

Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) - Athletic Eligibility: 
The OHSAA guidelines for determining athletic eligibility require the school to calculate a separate grade for each quarter marking period. This is a departure from past practice at Shaker. An athlete must now earn passing marks in each separate quarter to remain eligible. 

In past years, the second and fourth quarter grade was the end-of-semester grade, combining all work for the entire semester and the final examination. This is no longer compliant. Moving forward, the grade used to determine eligibility in quarters 2 and 4 will only reflect progress in that specific quarter. Therefore, the final semester grade may no longer be used to determine eligibility. 

More information about eligibility requirements is available in the Athletics section of and will be shared with student athletes.