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May 2017 Newsletter: Community Engagement — SHHS Students Perform for New U.S. Citizens
The Honorable Patti Morgenstern-Claren (SHHS '70) invited the A Capella Choir to perform at a naturalization ceremony in downtown Cleveland on Friday, April 14. The 31-member choir, led by director Mario Clopton-Zymler, sang "This Land is Your Land" and the Shaker hymn "Simple Gifts."

Judge Morgenstern-Claren presided over the ceremony and the Shaker Schools Foundation provided Rapid fare for the students.

This was the second time Judge Morgenstern-Claren asked Shaker students to perform at a naturalization ceremony this school year. Last fall, she invited junior theater student Allison Osborne-Nurse to perform excerpts of Richard Blanco's poem "One Today." Blanco wrote the poem and performed it at President Obama's second inauguration in 2013.