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AIMSweb is used to monitor and track students' progress as often as weekly.
Students in first grade take AIMSweb tests in literacy and math.
  • For literacy, there is a set of tests entitled Test of Early Literacy, all of which can be administered in minutes.  First graders will also take a reading maze test.  Additionally, in the winter an additional reading test, entitled Reading Curriculum-Based Measurement (R-CBM).  Each of these tests has 4 parts.  Click on the blue link for each test part and you can see a sample of the test (samples are kindergarten level examples). 
Tests for Early Literacy: 
*Here is a short explanation of what phonemes are:
A phoneme is the sound associated with each letter of the alphabet.  Some letters have more than one sound.  For example, the letter C can sometimes sound like an S, as the C in lace.  Or the letter C can sometimes sound like a K, as the C in cat.  Children who know about the connection between a letter and its phoneme have an easier time learning to read.
Reading Maze - students read a passage for 3 minutes.  In places where there are 3 possible words, they need to select the word that correctly fits in the passage.  Here is a sample passage from a first grade reading maze test.
Reading Curriculum-Based Measurement (R-CBM) - individually administered; assesses oral reading.  Students read from a passage for 1 minute.  Check here for a sample oral reading passage for a first grader.
  • For math, first graders take a test of math computation.  For first graders, this test covers the following:    
    • Size of numbers
    • Column addition
    • Basic facts
    • Complex computation